Friday, February 27, 2009

A House Boat

This is a house boat, a very traditional boat mostly seen in backwaters of Kerala.


Anonymous said...

LOVE the second pic!

The Muse said...

Mmmm...your imagery makes me yearn for the warmth of the sun!

Anonymous said...

How lush and green! It makes me anxious for Spring!

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving kind words! I appreciate that!

Carver said...

Great shots. The house boat is so appealing to me.

steveroni said...

Me--the houseboat! I lived on one on the Ohio River. Actually, more of a shanty boat it was, with a 60hp Willys Engine, 2-1 Reduction gear, very powerful little 32' 12-ton home...and liquor emporium. This was in the 1950' gave me loads of memories this evening, as I perused your stuff.

Thanks for the visit and kind words at 'my place' earlier.
Peace...Evermore, from
Steve E.

♥ Braja said...

Hey long since we've touched base and I'm sorry I've missed it :) Love this post, the houseboats down south are beautiful....

Tantra Flower said...

Beautiful photos! I am colorblind so I see the beauty in other places, like the way the water both clings to and flows from the leaf. Thank you.